#TrumpTrials Judge Aileen Mercedes Cannon

Judge Cannon is a US District Judge for the Southern District of Florida, nominated by Donald John Trump.  You can read about her undistinguished career here. You might remember that she was the presiding judge in the initial court hearings regarding the classified documents case in Florida. She granted Trump's request for a "Special Master" to review the documents. After much delay and upon appeal, the 11th Circuit found that Cannon wrongly exercised jurisdiction over the case. 

Now she has returned to oversee the federal criminal case against Trump for his mishandling of the documents. She has not recused herself, although some legal scholars have called for her to do so. I say, leave her on! Let her try to up the drama -- let's see what happens then!

In her official photographic portrait, the judge has every hair in place, every stroke of make-up is perfection. She is pleased to be a judge.  Let us hope that she has the wisdom to listen to her elders in the 11th district.


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