Ken Chesebro -- the cheese flipped!

There is some controversy on how to pronounce Ken Chesebro's last name.  So far, he is my nominee for saddest fall from a steady career path.
  His background is boringly liberal, having clerked for Lawrence Tribe and worked as a lawyer on behalf of Al Gore’s election battle, and other liberal causes for many years. And then, in 2014, two things happened. He invested in bitcoin and made millions and he and his wife were divorced. By 2016 he was supporting Republicans including Donald Trump. He is now in a lot of hot water for his plans to overthrow the election via the plan for Pence to turn away Biden electors and replace them with illegal Trump electors. The Guardian’s Ed Pilkington has it all for you here.

He applied for his right to a speedy trial as did Sydney Powell. He tried to separate his case from Powell's, but failed in that pursuit and both are scheduled to appear before Judge Scott McAfee on October 23. Reminder -- this trial will be televised and should give us a good idea of how the prosecution is going to handle this RICO trial. 

I have read that he has moved to Puerto Rico -- wondering why? 

On Friday, Oct 21, Chesebro took a deal and plead guilty to one felony. He has agreed to testify about the fake elector scheme and turn over all correspondence on the matter. It is very likely what he has is going to sink some big ships! Stay tuned!


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