Scott Hall -- Guilty and Co-operating!

Breaking News!  Friday, Sept 29 -- one of the 19 Rico co-defendants has pleaded guilty to the charges against him, according to CNBC.  He gets 5 years probation and has agreed to "testify truthfully in this case and all further proceedings." h

Scott Hall is a bail bondsman and you can look at his own autobio here. He had built up quite the professional reputation in the bail bonding profession and may have quickly realized that he had better get on the right side as soon as possible after falling under the sway of this foolish ragtag group of Vote-Finders.

Ahhh -- this news so satisfying! For so many years, we have become numb to people in power at all levels of government blatantly lie, cheat and steal without any impunity. So much like those Watergate days gone by and yet unlike them -- the MAGA power base is far-reaching and more dangerous than Nixon's Silent Majority.

It is also satisfying because I have been working on a bunch of the Atlanta #TrumpTrials defendants portraits and Scott Hall's was ready to go!  I will be posting more of them this week.  

Some thoughts about my drawing process. I am learning so much from this project!  Learning about facial hair, wrinkles and sags.  Chubby cheeks vs sculpted. And most importantly, where the tension is being held at the moment of the snap of the mug shot itself. Don't forget to click on the drawing to see it full size, the way it was drawn.



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