Jeffrey Clark, Assistant Deputy Against the Environment

Jeffrey Clark is a no good scumbag who tried to worm his way into Trump's inner circle after developing his anti-environment work under George W Bush as Assistant Deputy District Attorney in the Civil division. You might say his career has been devoted to destroying the planet as he fought against regulating green house gasses. In both public and private roles, he was on the side of the filthy polluting rich people and their corporations.

Clark had the traditional proper education, went to Harvard, learned how to debate and got his higher degrees and passed the bar. Unfortunately, Clark gravitated toward those who value money over all, and that has brought about his downfall.

His involvement in the #TrumpTrials may have been motivated by his own need to seek power. He was angling for Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen's job, as Rosen would not support Trump in his pursuit of election fraud. Clark went all in on seeking out ways to dispute the election. 

 From Wikipedia:

"Trump expected that if Clark became acting attorney general, he would reverse the decisions of previous attorneys general and publicly declare that DOJ had serious concerns about the election results. In particular he would open an investigation into supposed election fraud tainting the Georgia election, the results of which would compel Georgia officials to void Biden's win in that state.[28][30] When Clark told Rosen that Trump intended to appoint him to replace Rosen, the Department's remaining senior leaders – including Donoghue and Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel Steven Engel – agreed they would all resign if Rosen was removed. After Rosen and Clark presented their arguments to Trump in a White House meeting, Trump decided not to pursue the option.[28][30

Trump decided against appointing Clark. Would the outcome have been any different with Jeff Clark calling the shots as District Attorney of the USA? I shudder to think about it!

Clark is one of the many Georgia RICO defendants who tried to have his case removed to federal court. Yesterday, the court denied his request. He is also purported to be Unindicted Co-conspirator #4 in Trump's federal trial under DA Jack Smith.

Drawing Clark from his mug shot, I see a man who has been caught red-handed. The question is -- will he continue to defend himself or will he turn on his former boss?

Finally, I'd like to recommend a source for all things #TrumpTrials.  Check out Legal AF for clear explanations for all the legal maneuvers taking place in every court Trump finds himself within!  This from last night is a great overview of where things stand now.



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