
Showing posts from October, 2023

Jenna Ellis (Flipped)

  Jenna Ellis is the poster-child for the dangers of homeschooling.  Her skimpy credentials rely on a stint as a  deputy district attorney in  Colorado where she mainly handled traffic complaints. At first she didn't like Trump but when he became the nominee, she supported him. Apparently blinded by her beliefs, she joined up with Rudy G to undermine US election results and found herself eventually charged with racketeering along with so many other trump lawyers. She has now flipped in the Georgia case. You can see her tearful apology here . Her legal background, if you would call it that, included self-publishing a book The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution: A Guide for Christians to Understand America's Constitutional Crisis (2015)  Her assertion is that the Constitution must only be interpreted through the lens of the (Christian) Bible. Lots more fun stuff at her Wikipedia entry .  Her ambivalence about Trump plus his lack of "Christian charity" in providing sup

David Shafer, GA false elector and former GA Republican Party chair

  David Shafer has plead not-guilty to impersonating a public official, racketeering and forgery. He appears to be blaming all those above him as he was just doing what he was asked, but in reality David was deeply involved in the plot from his position as Chair of the GA GOP. You can read all about his various activities on behalf of Trump here . It appears that he spent his adult life in politics, sometimes running, sometimes leading others' campaigns. In a run for Lt Gov in 2018, he was accused of sexual harassment which may have brought about his loss in the election. The claim was eventually dismissed. Did such an experience make him more empathetic to someone like Trump? 

Shawn Still, False Elector and GA State Senator

  This upstanding individual has been charged with impersonating a public official, racketeering and forgery. He has pleaded guilty. What could have brought him to this situation? Shawn was in the military and then became a businessman. For the past 20 years he has operated a pool building company that employs over 100 people busily building pools in GA. Looks like global warming has been good for his career path.  State legislatures are dens of corruption throughout the land. Your local business dude runs for office in order to promote business friendly policies. In Shawn's case, he worked to limit government regulations. He also was involved with election "integrity" in the state house, which is probably how he was sucked into the false elector scam.  I would encourage Shawn to spill it all and take a deal!  Drawing Note:  As I work on these mug shots, I am trying out different approaches to the  blinding glare in each photo. I am most focused on imagining what each in

Cassidy Hutchinson, former assistant to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows

  Where would we be without Administrative Assistants? They know everything about their bosses, the office environment, who has access and who doesn't. Cassidy Hutchinson was that fly on the wall as January 6th unrolled. She saw a lot, including Trump tantrums that involved throwing ketchup on the wall of the White House Dining room. More importantly, she observed Trump's reluctance to interfere with the Jan 6 events as the day unfolded.  She has a book out detailing all that she saw and good for her! I don't think there's any other way to get money out of Trump without committing perjury.  I did not find a good official portrait, so I snapped some pics of her appearance on the Lawrence O'Donnell show. In the clip , she is reacting to a live video feed with Alexander Butterfield, of Watergate fame. She is basking in the support from Butterfield, also a Republican who told the truth that turned the tide against Richard Nixon back in 1973 with the reveal of the secre

Molly Michael, Administrative Assistant to Trump

#Witness #TrumpTrials Molly Michael was just doing her job in the White House and at Mar-a-lago, picking up after Donald J Trump. She began working for him in 2018 and continued on after he lost the election. In her testimony before the House Jan 6 committee, she reported that after the FBI raided Mar-a-lago  she found additional classified documents in her possession. Trump had used them as note cards and had written To Do lists for Molly on the backs of these classified documents.   Ominously, Trump told Molly "You know nothing about the boxes." Unfortunately, Molly knew quite a bit and has told the truth in her testimony. We have another young White House assistant to thank in the next entry!  This drawing is not great!  I was working from a video still and the original is murky. If I get a better visual source, I will definitely give her another try, as she deserves it for standing up to Trump and quitting her job.

Jeffrey Clark, Assistant Deputy Against the Environment

Jeffrey Clark is a no good scumbag who tried to worm his way into Trump's inner circle after developing his anti-environment work under George W Bush as Assistant Deputy District Attorney in the Civil division. You might say his career has been devoted to destroying the planet as he fought against regulating green house gasses. In both public and private roles, he was on the side of the filthy polluting rich people and their corporations. Clark had the traditional proper education, went to Harvard, learned how to debate and got his higher degrees and passed the bar. Unfortunately, Clark gravitated toward those who value money over all, and that has brought about his downfall. His involvement in the #TrumpTrials may have been motivated by his own need to seek power. He was angling for Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen's job, as Rosen would not support Trump in his pursuit of election fraud. Clark went all in on seeking out ways to dispute the election.   From Wikipedia: &qu